Black Progressives Podcast

Black Progressives Talk Cancel Culture, BBQ Beckys & True Support -Ep 11

December 29, 2021 Black Progressives -Host JadaBee Season 1 Episode 0

Lister Discretion Advised: This episode contains triggering material related homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia, misognoir, nazis, slavery, and as usual conversations about Racism and anti-Black behaviors.  

In this episode The Black Progressive talk about Misognoir, Queerphobia, Cancel Culture Really being Accountability Culture, Slavery and the Casual Killing Act, BBQ Becky and the White Women acting a fool caught on video AND finally how to show support and solidarity. 

With Lauren McCalister and Martin Law. 

Hosted by Jada Bee
Theme Music by Martin Law
Produced by Jada Bee & Martin Law

Black Progressive Podcast !